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"Don't be "poor" in education" - The Star, 14 March 2024


Chooi Chok Khooi, 67, the Treasurer of SJK(C) Sam Chai and chairman of SJK (C) Siputeh in Perak.


“I heard of the benefactor programme from Dr Edward Foo, advisor of MASOC CARE. MASOC CARE has run programmes across Malaysia, educating youths about the senior care industry, giving them opportunities to further their education and work in a sunrise industry – the ageing industry.


Chooi hopes that his contribution can help inspire a youth to contribute to the elderly in more ways than one."One particular story that stuck with me was that of a young boy from Ayer Tawar (in Perak). It’s such a shame that there are youths like him who may not be academically smart and have few avenues (to be trained). They end up doing hard labour in the fields just due to lack of funds to continue their studies.


“They can be so much more and have endless possibilities. They can benefit their community and country on a much larger scale. What they need is just some funds to start them off, which we, as members of society, can provide and assist them with.


“One can be poor in (terms of) money, but one must not be poor in education. It is up to those of us who can help, to make sure the young become rich in knowledge, and for them to further enrich society, and the generations beyond, through senior care,” says Chooi.

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Join me​ in making a positive difference in the lives of young underprivileged talents and for the benefit of our ageing community.




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Support the mission by sponsoring more trained caregivers to serve Malaysia's ageing population. 

Create Caregivers You Can Trust And Your Care Will Return

Speak to our representative today @ 011 - 3301 9681 

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Angels & Knights Benefactor Chooi Chok Khooi was introduced to the Benefactor Program by Angels & Knights Ambassador Dr Melody Ang.


As an Angels & Knights Ambassador, Dr Melody believes in sharing such initiatives with like-minded individuals who are willing to champion the overall good for our community


If you would like to do the same, please recommend other Benefactors to support this mission of developing more trained caregivers & change the lives of many underprivileged youths today. 




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Recommended by

Dr Melody Ang

Angels & Knights Ambassador

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